Decipher Index, created by Burson and Limbik, uses cognitive AI to evaluate and predict the impact of various themes with broad social, political, and organizational implications.
2024 is set to be a year filled with disruptive forces. From elections in more than 40 countries, to the Paris Olympics and ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, efforts to influence people will leverage various global and cultural issues. This inherently creates risk for organizations and brands. By understanding which themes are likely to energize online users, companies can mitigate potential reputational crises and build organizational resilience.
Regional themes are ranked by PFI (Potential For Impact) as determined by our cognitive AI, which combines Virality and Believability to predict which themes are most likely to resonate with the adult population in each of five regions globally. Our PFI model sources artifacts (social posts, news stories, etc.) related to each theme from more than 1.5 million global sources to predict whether people in the region are likely to find the themes believable or trustworthy (Believability) and how likely themes are to energize online users (Virality).
Last Update:
November 13, 2024
Burson Decipher powered by Limbik can be deployed to quantify information risk in more than 100 countries.
2024 Elections garners the highest PFI this week. Brazil's finance minister said the government concluded discussions on new measures to enhance the fiscal framework, which comes after volatility in the market and fiscal concerns around Trump's electoral victory. Some leaders in the country have viewed Trump's rhetoric as more harmful to emerging market economies like Brazil, prompting concern and uncertainty around tariffs, tax cuts, and immigration restrictions. Furthermore, Ecuador's Vice President Veronica Abad was suspended for 150 days for "unjustified abandonment" of her duties after she failed to comply with a September order to relocate from Israel to Turkey. Her late arrival in Turkey prompted the government to take action and reflects ongoing tensions between Abad and President Daniel Noboa, with potential implications for the upcoming elections in February 2025.
Food Systems and Security is this week’s biggest mover. The U.S. and Mexico reached an agreement on Rio Grande water deliveries, which comes amid a drought and shorter supply, and will help bring more regular water to the U.S. Relatedly, Mexico replaces China as the top market for U.S. food and agriculture exports during 2024. Additionally, Latin America and the Caribbean are wrestling with a growing food crisis where 43.2 million people are suffering from hunger, despite being a global "breadbasket". Moreover, the continuing violence in Haiti is prompting a growing hunger crisis and calls for long-term solutions from international aid organizations.